Monday, September 8, 2008

Open House Exceeds Imagination!

A successful face-to-face team is more than just collectively intelligent. It makes everyone work harder, think smarter and reach better conclusions than they would have on their own.

-James Surowiecki, as quoted in Results Now by Michael J. Schmoker, p. 105

Our September 4th Spaghetti Dinner, PTA Meeting, Scholastic Family Night and Open House was a perfect example of professional collaboration leading to exemplary results! As I circulated during the Open House presentations, each classroom was a model of professionalism, hospitality, teaching and learning. It was a joy to see carefully prepared power point presentations, parent "handbooks," student work, pretzels and cookies, question and answer opportunities, conference sign-up sheets, art projects, book displays, music...and of course, A LOT of spaghetti. Together, every team and the school as a team collaborated to produce an Open House experience for students and families that was truly memorable and exceeded all imagination!

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